Zambian culture and traditions

05 Jun 2018

Zambia hutsZambian culture is a diverse one which dates back to the colonial era, when independent states would trade together and integrate their traditions. Part of what makes Zambia so interesting is that these traditions are still in place today.

Music is of great importance to Zambians. Singing and dancing is very popular here – and among all Africans. Drumming is especially common – In rituals, ceremonies and any celebrations, drumming will most likely be taking place. Other instruments used include the hand piano which is played using both thumbs, or the kalimba – A xylophone-like instrument.

Arts and Crafts
Traditional art includes the finest of basketry, pottery and unique carvings. Craftwork is very popular in Zambia. Using materials such as bamboo, grass and papyrus palm leaves, furniture pieces and different types of baskets are created.

English is the official language, but there are 73 spoken languages. Nyanja, Bemba and Lozi are just three popular ones of the many. Some students are also taught Portuguese, German and French as part of their curriculum.

There are around 17 million people living in Zambia - and over 70 different tribal groups, most of which relocated from around Africa, resulting in a diverse blend of beliefs and cultural norms.